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Pulsar's proprietary device for continuous wireless monitoring



Continuous 24/7/365 monitoring presents an aggregated, unified view of your company's wireless network.



Detects malicious threats to your Wi-Fi network, including rogue & fake access points, device spoofing, & denial of service attacks.



Technical phone & email support, consultative services, & personalized recommendations from our security experts.

Included in Pulsar Cyber Shield.

24/7/365 wireless monitoring with Sonar is included in Pulsar Cyber Shield, a comprehensive package of cybersecurity services designed to bring maximum security benefits at minimum cost.

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Do you know who is connecting to your wireless network?

Sonar detects devices within range of the wireless network, and tracks the type of device, as well as the MAC address, to provide a device fingerprint for correlating a device to an IP address

Would you be aware if you were under an evil twin attack?

Sonar detects & alerts when a new access point is detected broadcasting your network’s SSID

Would you be able to detect a device that matches the signature of a wireless hacking device?

Sonar detects and alerts on the presence of a device that may be a wireless hacking device

Is your wireless network's password crackable?

Sonar identifies hashed network credentials, and will attempt to crack the password

Would you know if someone (even an employee) spun up a rogue access point in the middle of your building?

Sonar detects and alerts to the presence of a new open network in your area, and devices that have connected to that network

How secure is the firmware running on your access points?

Sonar identifies vulnerabilities on your access point’s firmware that could be used to compromise the wireless network

Minimize your Cyber Risks

A comprehensive array of services securing data, network & firmware configurations, & your wireless network.

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